So, this month has zoomed by, much quicker than anticipated. Of course, being sick for 2 weeks will make the time go quickly. Actually I was really only sick for a couple days. The aftermath asthma has kicked my butt for the rest of the time. Lack of oxygen will do that. Love my inhaler and cough meds! Luckily (or unluckily) this past week was vacation from school, and I didn't have anything planned!
But there has been lots of knitting over the last month! This is the back of my
Minimalist Cardigan. The fronts and back are finished and I'm working on sleeve one. I'd like to get this done in time for
Stitches West in a couple weeks.
There is also a Secret Blanket, which (shame on me) still isn't quite done, so no photos. These 2 are part of the 3 projects I designated for this month's #UFOSmackdown 2010. The 3rd project was finished right at the beginning of the month - Hubby Socks. They're in the laundry right now, so I'll photograph them later.
And then there are the other projects... Here is the first
Fine Cabled Mitt that is destined for The Hubby. Only have about an inch to go on the hand and the thumb to finish.
Since the mitt isn't quite "knit in the dark" material, and I was going to see the new Cirque du Soleil show "
Ovo" last week, I cast on a vanilla 3x1 rib sock to carry in my purse. Through a doctor appointment for me, a visit to urgent care with
Mari and the show (fabulous and recommended), all on Thursday, I'm up to the gusset increases. This is
Rabbitworks Fibre Studio Toe Jam sock yarn in Black Orchid. Love, love, love how the fabric is working up! (And she'll be at Stitches West, so I can get some more...)

And then I promised myself that there would be no
Knitting Olympics or Ravelympics knitting this time around, due to the timing of the other projects that need doing. But then I was watching the opening ceremonies and before I knew it,
Spanish Dancer had appeared on the needles. I loved how the yarn (
Ellen's Half-pint farm's merino silk blend) patterned when it was wound. I'm about 2 inches into the garter portion right now. (No, Kathy -- must work on blanket....!)

In the "other creative stuff" category, I decorated this mailbox (found at Target) with some rub-ons that I had. Destined for my secret pal at school, I stuffed it with some other gifts, including chocolate, and I think it turned out adorably! Will have to keep this gift in mind for others...

Remember this
scarf (Ravelry link)? I gave it to my hairdresser as a Valentine's Day gift and he was so excited by it that he immediately put it on and declared that he was going to wear it all day! Isn't he cute?!
Another creative thing happening is by The Dork! He liked the horizontal rib scarf (from
One More Skein) so much that he wanted to cast one on, but in a chunky weight. He's using
Rowan Colourscape in the Storm colorway and doing a great job with it.

And one last picture for you -- last month I ripped out 4 different projects that were never going to be finished, a twin-bed sized blanket, a shrug, a vest and a shawl. The yarn for the 2 larger projects are gone, out of the stash, out of my life...good riddance!
I really should go and get something done today besides sit on the couch and knit. Oh, but I guess I have - I've written a blog post...