And another FO is now off the needles!

Size 28"x28"
Pattern: Ondas (Ravelry link)
Yarn: Dream in Color Classy in Blue Lagoon, a little over 2 skeins
Needles: size 9 US
This pattern is also known as Fibercrack - and OMG does it ever live up to that name. I did not want to stop knitting on it, even though bed/work/food called!

Size L
Pattern: Marta
Yarn: Malabrigo worsted in Purple Majesty
Needles: size 9 US
Yes, I know I still need to find the perfect button to finish this sweater out perfectly, but for now, it will be held closed by a Flexi-8. Purlescence has several different sizes if you want to buy local!

Since I last blogged, lots of good stuff has happened. Spring Break at school has come and gone (spent most of it at the shop, of course). Baseball season has started! The Hubby is working again. So is my brother who was laid off 9 months ago. I've found out that one teacher at school is pregnant (oh, darn, I have to make another baby blanket...).
We also were one of the gardens on the Going Native Garden tour last Sunday, with our California native plants really going like gangbusters! If you'd like to see what the garden looks like, take a look at the pictures my husband took and put on his gallery page.
Unfortunately, there's some bad stuff too: Cancer sucks! A former coworker's cancer is making her low. Another good friend's sister has only a few weeks left to live. My best friend's dog had to be put to sleep due to an invasive tumor too, and she herself is dealing with fibroids and possible surgery. So I'm also going to be busy making prayer shawls and other comforting items.
I suppose that I'd better head to bed now so I'll be awake enough in the morning to knit lace.