There has been so much going on lately, that this week's vacation from school has often consisted of me staring off into space and not able to wrap my head around knitting. My Valentine's Day was also non-existent, due to a) Hubby is in Minnesota right now, and b) I tried to pack too much into the day today. Actually, The Hubby did get a Valentine's gift for me last week - only he didn't know about it before I arrived home last Thursday, wearing
Stacie wrote about the faculty retreat that we had last Saturday. She gives me a lot of credit for teaching others to knit, but quite frankly, she's also a very good cheerleader for knitting. She was the one, a couple of years ago, who was anonymously "scarfing" staff members with wonderful scarves that she knit. She
claims that she was using the scarves for learning new stitches, but I know for a fact that she created a lot of smiles around our campuses.

My baby's birthday was 10 days ago (that long already...?!). Sweet sixteen and never been kissed - at least by a girlfriend! For his birthday, we took him and a friend to see
Kooza. My boneheaded move - I forgot that we had gotten 4 tickets with the intent to take one of The Dork's friends. Forgot until 11 PM the night before, that is! Thanks
Sandi, again, for sharing your daughter at the last minute! It was a fabulous show, and if you haven't seen it, it is highly recommended by the aforementioned teenager and his parents!

Honest, there has been knitting happening! I finally finished the scarf that The Hubby took to Winter Camp yesterday. He's currently in Minnesota, and this handspun and handknit scarf will be auctioned off as part of a fundraiser.

Fiber - Crown Mountain superwash merino, Tobacco Road colorway
Yarn - 433 yards of 3-ply worsted weight.
Pattern - Yarn Harlot's One Row Handspun pattern
Size - 7" x 96"
Finished the fronts and blocked my Twist. No pictures, though, because the camera got packed into the car this afternoon, (Dork was going to do some photography) and I was running late. With any luck, I'll get the sleeves done this weekend, in time for Stitches West next week.

After the Tobacco Road scarf knitting was finished (during the faculty retreat), I needed another mindless project, so I started another scarf with the same pattern stitch, but this time in Malabrigo worsted weight. I love the color, Velvet Grapes! The color in the photo is lighter than the true color, which is a deep, rich velvety purple with hints of lavender.

But then,
Purlescence got in some new Malabrigo,
Silky Merino. It's a DK weight, 50% silk, 50% merino wool. LUSCIOUS! I had to get some - honest, it leaped into my arms and asked to be taken home, no -
demanded to be taken home! Then, it demanded to be knit, RIGHT NOW! I found the perfect match for it, one of
AlisonH's patterns, the Blue Jay shawl, from her book
Wrapped in Comfort. Mine is the Plum Blossom colorway, and I can't stop knitting on it! Okay, there are too many exclamation points in this paragraph, but that's what this yarn is demanding.

I even knit on the shawl while waiting for
Rockapella to take the stage at Cupertino High School. Amazing show - lots of laughter and fantastic music. We've been going to their shows for at least 10 years. Remember "Where is the world is Carmen SanDiego?" Love you guys! (post-show autograph session, bad cell phone pic).
The Dork and I are driving down to Southern California for a fencing tournament this weekend. With any luck, I'll get some good knitting time in the hotel tomorrow night and at my parents' house Saturday evening. Cross your fingers both for him and for me!
And if you've managed to read all the way down to the bottom of this loooonnnnggg post, Happy Valentine's Day to you! I hope your day was filled with love from your sweetheart and your family and friends -- and lots of chocolate too!